A good training program will vary workout intensities and types, this is called periodization and is practiced for maximal workout benefits. Weight lifting periodization goes through anatomical adaptation (improved strength via nervous system response), hypertrophy (increase muscle mass), strength and power (strength with speed) phases. As you move through different phases you weights, reps and sets will change, but so will your muscles response to the type of workout. Muscle soreness in the hypertrophy phase is very common.
Seasonal and weather changes affect our mood and energy levels. If you train outdoors it will affect your times running, cycling, rowing, etc.
I am definitely guilty of returning to an exercise program after a period of time off and expecting a seamless transition. It's a big mistake we can easily fall into generally resulting in really stiff muscles. Try magnesium chloride brine to limit muscle soreness.
The training mistake most likely confused with overtraining is under resting. This can be from not enough sleep, persistent dehydration and unhealthy eating habits. Rest is very important for recovery and is when you are actually gaining the benefit from exercise. It is important to stay hydrated as many aspects of metabolism require water. releasing stored fat to be burn actually uses up water, if your goal is to lose weight, stay hydrated. We all know the expression 'you are what you eat', don't be surprised by lack of recovery if you skip the fruits and veggies.
Dr. Nelson