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Conditions TreatedProper motion is vital to the human body - an incredibly complex machine wherein structure affects function and function affects structure. Any lack of motion, whether due to an old sports injury, a postural imbalance, or a car accident, will cause changes in the bones over a period of years. These slowly occurring changes often compound unnoticed until another event, such as bending over to tie your shoe laces, triggers years of accumulated problems and causes pain that can seriously affect your quality of life.
Our goal at Nelson Chiropractic is to treat (or better yet, to prevent) these debilitating musculoskeletal conditions by identifying sources of restricted motion in the spine and other joints, restoring the quality and quantity of motion, and ensuring that this motion is maintained. Performed correctly, this method is very effective for treating a range of ailments including acute back pain, headaches, and whiplash. Lower back pain and SciaticaThere are over a dozen structures in the spine that may cause low back pain, and each respond differently to a variety oftreatment styles. In the Lumbar spine intervertebral discs can cause local low back pain or pain and numbness that shoots down the back of the thigh and into the foot, this is called Sciatica. Facet Syndrome occurs when the joints at the posterior aspect of the spine get too close and irritate each other, causing pain. Intervertebral disc dysfunction, Sciatic and Facet syndrome respond well to spinal decompression.
Misalignment and old scar tissue built up in the pelvis, specifically the sacroiliac joint, can cause low back pain. If the sacroiliac joint isn't moving properly, due to adhesive scar tissue, other areas of the body have to compensate for the lack of motion. The sacroiliac joint can refer pain down the leg but typically it doesn't extend below the knee. Thompson Drop Technique is used to restore motion to the sacroiliac joint. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine that typically begins for an idiopathic (unknown) reason in the teenage years. Scoliosis is rarely reversible without surgery, however surgery should only be an option with a severe and progressive curvature. Chiropractic care and specifically spinal decompression, may be palliative to someone with scoliosis. Other sources of low back pain that respond to chiropractic care and soft tissue techniques include spinal stenosis, spondylolithesis, radiculopathies, muscle sprains and spasms, and trigger points. Neck PainYour neck protects your spinal cord while supporting and balancing your head. There are many important, pain sensitive structures that pass through the neck. Receptors located in the cervical spine (neck) muscles and joints send information to the brain and inner ear to help determine which way is up and down. Proper function in the muscles and joints is imperative for those receptors to send correct the information.
Dysfunction in the joints in the neck can arise for many reasons including but not limited to: trauma, old sports injuries, car accidents (especially whiplash), poor posture and even a traumatic birthing process with forced restitution or forceps use.Diversified Chiropractic Manipulations may be effective in restoring joint function. There is some controversy regarding the safety of spinal manipulation in the cervical spine, but recent studies have shown that it is just as safe as taking over-the-counter pain medication. For those patients still worried about having their neck adjusted in the traditional chiropractic method there are other options available including the Activator Adjusting Instrument and Cox spinal decompression. HeadachesThere are a number of different types of headaches that have their own unique signs and symptoms. The history, physical and neurological exams will help determine which type of headache you suffer from.
Not all headaches can be helped by Chiropractic care. However, several types of headaches are a result of nerve irritation, either by excess muscle tension or joint dysfunction in the cervical spine. These headaches may respond well todiversified chiropractic manipulations, Activator Adjusting Tool and soft tissue techniques. Mid Back and Rib PainPain in the mid back region is often related to a rib injury. The ribs have a small articulation with the thoracic spine that may be disrupted relatively easily. Irritation of the intercostal nerve, which runs between ribs, can also cause focal tender spots that come and go. Pain in this region is also commonly due to your body compensating for neck, low back or pelvic dysfunction.
Whiplash and motor vehicle related injuriesCar accidents can cause damage to the spine and supporting soft tissue structures. Large acceleration/deceleration forces can be generated in focal areas of the spine, even in low velocity impacts. Injuries sustained from these forces can be herniated intervertebral discs or damage to joints that can lead to early degenerative changes in the spine. Low back injuries in car accidents may be severe and lead to chronic low back pain, especially in cases with multiple accidents. Whiplash typically occurs with, but is not limited to, rear-end collisions.
A majority of whiplash cases are preventable with proper headrest alignment. Once an injury occurs it is important to restore the dysfunction created by the accident in order to stop the cascade of degenerative changes that may happen.Diversified chiropractic manipulations, Activator Adjusting Tool, Cox spinal decompression, Thompson Drop Techniqueand soft tissue techniques are among the many techniques that are effective in treating injuries associated with motor vehicle accidents. Shoulder InjuriesLoss of the range of motion in your shoulder can limit your activities of daily living significantly. The shoulder is a complex system that sacrifices stability for a high degree of motion and is therefore vulnerable to injury. The humerus, shoulder blade and collar bone all play a role in shoulder motion and they are all susceptible to dysfunction in the joints that connect them. Sports injuries and motor vehicle accidents are the main culprits for the source of initial injury. If these injuries heal improperly or are not dealt with in a timely fashion they can progress to frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder is a condition that occurs when the shoulder joint capsule tightens up with scar tissue causing a severe restriction in range of motion.
Extremity Manipulation and soft tissue techniques can free up the shoulder and restore range of motion. Rehabilitative exercises and stretches will help maintain flexibility and strength of the shoulder capsule. Repetitive Strain InjuriesRepetitive stress injuries are a group of conditions caused by repeated motions or overuse of specific muscles, tendons, or nerves. Commonly affecting areas such as the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders, repetitive stress can result from activities like typing, using tools, or playing musical instruments. Symptoms often include pain, swelling, and reduced mobility, and if left untreated, they can lead to chronic pain or long-term disability. Preventing repetitive stress involves ergonomic adjustments, regular breaks, soft tissue work on affected areas and exercises to strengthen and stretch the affected muscles. Repetitive stress can be a result of dysfunctional motion in joints which can be addressed with manipulation.
ArthritisArthritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. There are many types of Arthritis which includes wear and tear on joints. While there is no cure for arthritis, chiropractic care can offer relief by focusing on improving joint function and reducing inflammation through spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and personalized exercise programs. Chiropractors aim to enhance the body's natural healing process, alleviate discomfort, and improve the overall quality of life for arthritis sufferers.
General Health and Well-beingChiropractic maintenance care involves regular visits to a chiropractor to maintain optimal spinal motion. Unlike acute care, which addresses immediate pain or injury, maintenance care focuses on preventing future problems by keeping the spine and nervous system functioning properly. This ongoing care can help manage chronic conditions such as arthritis and stenosis, reduce the risk of recurring issues, and improve overall well-being. Patients typically receive adjustments on a routine schedule, which can vary based on individual needs, lifestyle, and health goals. The goal is to support long-term health and prevent potential discomfort or injury before it occurs.